Slimming gummies(2) to curb your appetite(1)
When the urge to snack is too strong, opt for a slimming solution: the appetite suppressant!
XtraSlim Max Appetite Suppressant Gummies chewing gums with a delicious peach flavor help you curb your appetite and your cravings for snacking(2) while activating your weight loss(1) thanks to carob.
Its formula is completed by the chromium + zinc duo as well as vitamins for a complete slimming action.
60 chewing gummies
XtraSlim Max Appetite Suppressant Gummies is a dietary supplement that helps to:
1. Reduce appetite and snacking cravings(1)
2. Lose weight(2) thanks to carob
Its formula is supplemented with gymnema, chromium, zinc and vitamins B6 and B5.
Practical gummies format, with a good peach flavor to combine pleasure and slimness! No artificial flavors or colors.
(1) Carob helps reduce appetite and limit the feeling of hunger and cravings. (2) Carob helps support weight loss programs.