AXITRANS Foot Care Excessive sweating of the feet promotes the development and proliferation of different types of bacteria, fungi and yeasts, which cause bad odours. AXITRANS Foot care offers you: – the complete solution for perfect foot hygiene by effectively combating excess perspiration, maceration and foot odour. – the unique antiperspirant effect of AXITRANS reinforced by the control of annoying odors of CRINIPAN®, – the ease of use of the multidirectional spray – a prolonged effect which limits the weekly number of applications
Instructions: in the EVENING, on HEALTHY and DRY skin. In case of nocturnal sweating, apply AXITRANS in the morning and wait until the product is completely dry before getting dressed. ◆ on Healthy and clean skin. AXITRANS contains a certain percentage of alcohol and can under no circumstances be applied to irritated skin or a wound. Important: do not apply AXITRANS during the 24 hours preceding hair removal and during the 48 hours following it. ◆ on dry skin: it is imperative that the skin is dry, not only during application but also during the 1/2 hour that follows. If necessary, dry the skin with a hair dryer. Important: postpone an application of AXITRANS until later if there is a risk of perspiration during the following hour.
SprayAlcohol Denat., Aluminum Chloride, Aqua, Urea, Climbazole