EvoTears® OMEGA – Unique1 in the treatment of evaporative dry eye!
Dry, irritated eyes or red, sore eyelids, sticky eyelids upon waking – all of these symptoms can be a sign of meibomian gland dysfunction.
The Meibomian glands are located in the upper and lower eyelids and their ends are at the level of the palpebral edges. These glands produce, directly from the edge of the eyelids, an oily substance (meibum) which is an important component of the lipid layer of the tear film. With each blink of the eyelids, the lipid layer is renewed, and thus prevents premature evaporation of the tear film and therefore helps to stabilize the tear film. Dysfunction of the Meibomian glands or obstruction of their excretory ducts causes an alteration in the lipid phase. This results in dry eyes, due to premature evaporation of the tear film or tearing.
Symptoms typically associated with impaired lipid phase due to meibomian gland dysfunction
Redness of the eyes and eyelids, or crusting between the eyelashes
Burning sensation
Symptoms predominantly in the morning (on waking) diminishing during the day