Ultra soft feet in just one application
Effortlessly removes calluses and hard skin
Instant solution for hot and hot feet
Using Footner Exfoliating Socks is a quick and easy solution to getting rid of hard, dry and cracked skin! Revolutionary product for ultra-soft feet in just one 60-minute application.Uses the skin’s natural process to rid your feet the formation of dead skin. After just one application, your feet will shed this dead skin. Your feet will be softer and smoother than ever. Using these products will help exfoliate the hardened skin on your feet. Footner Exfoliating Socks uses the skin’s natural exfoliation process to remove dead skin from the feet. Within 7-10 days * you will have smooth, rejuvenated and super-soft feet. Soaking your feet in lukewarm water before putting on the socks speeds up the process. Although not necessary, this will shorten the time it takes to exfoliate old skin. Some feet will exfoliate more than others. It depends on the thickness of the hardened skin. Although the peeling skin may appear dry, avoid using moisturizers during the exfoliation process, as this may reduce the effect of the product.
It is recommended to wait at least 3 weeks before the next treatment. To prevent unwanted exfoliation, such as on the tops of your feet. Do not use the product if you are hypersensitive to one or more of the ingredients in Footner Exfoliating Socks. If irritation persists, consult a physician. Consult a doctor if you have diabetes or have circulation problems and want to use this product.
*on average
1. Cut the plastic sock with scissors along the dotted lines.
2. Put the Footner Exfoliating Sock on your foot and use the tape to secure the top of the sock.
3. Wear the socks for 60 minutes.
4. Wash your feet. It is recommended to use the Footner Exfoliating Socks every 2-3 months to always have super soft feet. In some cases of hard skin, Footner may not remove the desired amount of skin in one application.